Question: Hello! My name is Leslie(you can call me that or Vriska, whatever floats your boat), and I am fourteen going on fifteen this March. I’m new of course, and I was wondering if maybe I was too young to do this program? I mean it isn’t something only an adult could do, but the youngest age on the Venus Ideal software thingy was twenty. Either way, I am going to try my best and prove that ladies do not need a man to be confident!
Kimberley: Welcome Leslie. The workout program is great for anyone, but given you are still growing please be careful with calories. This is a diet designed for women that are adults and no longer growing….and we just do not need as many calories as you do. If you get a chance, it is probably worth talking to your doctor about this.
And you are right, women do not need a man to be confident.
RobertaSaum: Hi Leslie and WELCLOME! The workout should be fine for you. I agree with the others on the calories and I’d add that anything you do with your diet you should run by your parents/guardians and doctor. The same with the workout but I can’t imagine a doctor not approving of the workout : )
Ah thank you for the advice! I did consult with my mother and she insisted I add calories due to my growth, so I will do that as well.
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